If you're like us, you care deeply about a Democratic victory in 2024. And you're ready to do the hard work of text banking, phone banking, and talking to your friends and neighbors about all the reasons why Democrats must win this year.

But then you run into someone you know at the store, or in your front yard, and you want to tell that person why they need to vote. Suddenly, you feel like a deer caught in the headlights, frozen and not knowing what to say.

Or perhaps, you're great at starting the conversation about voting, but when someone parrots a right-wing talking point or says something that you know isn't true in response, you're at a loss for how to respond on the fly.

Or maybe you're just an introvert, but really want to make a difference through text banking from your couch, and want to make sure you have all the right talking points lined up.

Our personal conversations and ability to effectively communicate at this critical moment could make or break the election this year. That's why we've designed Say It Now! Political Messaging for Everyday Folks to Win in 2024– a brand new program to help us all be a part of the solution in this election cycle.

This brand-new course will teach you how to communicate effectively with your friends and neighbors about what’s at stake in this election, how to respond on the fly in high-pressure situations (even if you don’t know every single fact about every single issue), and how to message in all your get out the vote efforts to make sure we WIN in 2024.

How does this work?

✔️ The program is divided into four topic weeks of material, with one week devoted to each topic. 

✔️ Virtually Accessible anywhere in the world.

✔️ All training is on video, and will land in your inbox every Wednesday. 

✔️ Each week’s video will come with a downloadable workbook of material, and exercises for you to complete at your own pace.

✔️ The course will be hosted on a private online community site where you can join with your classmates in discussing messaging strategy and your takeaways and aha moments from the course. 

✔️ As well, a question thread for each week’s call will be posted the night before our live call so that you can ask questions in writing to be answered on the call if you can’t make it.

Here’s what the course contains

Week One

Top-Level Messaging Strategy

This week, we’ll introduce you to the basics of political messaging, including how to distill complex issues down to short sound bites, and how to gather a wide range of issues into top level talking points for use in your get out the vote work.

Week Two

Messaging to Meet Folks Where They Are

This week, we’ll focus on how to open conversations about the 2024 election and getting out the vote, how to use effective messaging in canvassing and deep canvassing strategy, how to use active listening to cultivate messaging in the moment, and how to continue watering the seeds you plant with friends and family.

Week Three

Messaging on the Fly

What happens when you’re suddenly confronted with disinformation or a right-wing talking point in a conversation about politics? This week, we’ll focus on how to respond in real time, think on your feet, and strike all the right notes to keep the conversation going and pushing to get out the vote.

Week Four

Messaging for Specific Topics

In our final week, we’ll dig deep into the issues of the day, including reproductive rights, the economy, labor rights, international conflicts, and also messaging for specific voting blocs. We’ll invite you to workshop these issues in course exercises, and we’ll also do some live workshopping of issues on our final weekly call.

What Else Comes With This?

✔️ Community.

This program is hosted on an online, secure platform that will give you an opportunity to commune with your classmates in real time to discuss issues that matter to media literacy and information management online.

✔️ Weekly Call.

Each week, there will be a LIVE Q&A call for everyone in the course. This will be an opportunity to ask questions, discuss content, and learn. This call will be hosted every Friday at 12pm ET // 9am PT, and will be recorded and posted for all to access, even if you can’t join live.

✔️ Pre-Recorded Trainings.

Each week, we will have a dedicated pre-recorded training that will land in your inbox every Wednesday. 

✔️ Workbooks and Materials.

Each week you’ll receive a downloadable workbook of material, and exercises for you to complete at your own pace.

Who’s Teaching This?

Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin, blonde hair, leadership

This program was created by Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin, our Founder. Elizabeth is a lifelong activist and organizer, and the host of the viral broadcast, ResistanceLive.

She has been featured on numerous mainstream media as an expert on leadership and change. She has also organized mass mobilizations, consulted on political campaigns for the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, and has interviewed senior officials at the DNC and in Congress.

Learn more about Elizabeth here

So What’s My Investment?

You Pay Just

$299 one time fee


$159/month for 2 months

We also have the opportunity to receive a full or partial scholarship, apply here.

Scholarships are now closed


  • This program runs for 4 weeks starting Wednesday, September 11th, with the first week of content.

  • This is a virtual program. You can participate from anywhere in the world, from behind your laptop or your phone. We will email you weekly with all of your content as we go together.

  • This program was created by Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin, our Founder, to support leaders and change agents like herself who are at peak burnout. Elizabeth is a lifelong activist and the host of various podcasts and a growing YouTube channel. She has been featured on numerous mainstream media as an expert on leadership and change.

  • Due to the digital nature of this program, we do not offer refunds at this time. If you have questions about whether this course is right for you, please email us at info@gaialeadershipproject.com.

  • Feel free to contact us by email, and we’ll be happy to address any questions or concerns. Our team email is info@gaialeadershipproject.com.

  • Friday at 12pm ET // 9am PT for the following dates:

    September 13th, September 20th, September 27th, October 4th